Thursday, March 3, 2011

Insanity: The Final Report (and Green Super Smoothies)

I did it, folks!
I finished 60 Days of Insanity!

Well...almost.  I have to do the last workout tomorrow morning before we fly to California.  I'm really close. :) 

I'm so glad I took on this challenge.  It got me out of my rut and gave me a new energy and focus for working out.  And I'm really proud that I finished!  Because, even though a lot of the exercises are fun, they are super hard.  Some days I felt like super woman while I was working out but most days I felt more like Garfield trying to compete in the Olympics. :)   

I'm thankful for you, my friends who read this blog, because I might have given up if I hadn't posted on here that I was going to finish it.  You helped me push through, just by reading my blog!  Thank you! :)

I didn't lose as much weight as I was hoping to lose (5 lbs total), but I was stuck before so I'm happy with the 5 lbs.  My clothes fit better and I feel great.  So if you don't care too much about the scale but just want to slim down a little and get in shape, it's an awesome workout.  All that jumping and sweating and squatting (and moaning and groaning) was definitely worthwhile.

And I'm so glad it's over!!!

(In case anyone else ever wants to try it out: you don't need the "Results and Recovery Formula" Shaun T. is constantly pushing.  Just drink tons (really, a lot) of water and afterward chug a little orange juice.  I also had to eat some protein, like a light cheese stick, and a piece of bread or a few pretzels to get rid of that horrible "I'm about to pass out" feeling afterward.  No joke.  Also during the 60-minute workouts I usually had a few swigs of OJ at the 40-minute mark to get me through the last 20.  Worked like a charm.)

Finishing Insanity means that I am also officially done with the (attempted) refined sugar fast!  YEAH!  But after all the work I put into Insanity I don't even feel like going out and celebrating with a huge hot fudge sundae.   Wow.  Bummer, dude.  I'm sure that will change once I get settled into vacation mode, however. :)

I'm just not sure where to go from here with my workout routine...back to running, probably.  Tae Bo?  Hmm, any advice? 

In an effort to eat more fruits and veggies, Josh and I have been on a green super smoothie kick this week.  We've been eating them for lunch every day. 

Here's how we make them:

(banana, 1/2 avocado, fresh spinach, frozen blueberries,
frozen mixed fruit & oj)

They really are a horrid color, thanks to the spinach and avocado and blueberries, but they taste GREAT!

Even Knox got in on the smoothie action!  We broke the introduce-one-new-food-at-a-time baby rule this week...with no adverse effects so far.

He LOVES green super smoothies.  :)  I can't get him the next bite fast enough!

Now, friends, I am off to pack.
Vacation starts tomorrow! 

1 comment:

  1. Another good post-workout recovery drink: chocolate milk. I'm dead serious. We're big P90X people, and that's what their site (beachbody) recommends as a substitue for their recovery drink. It has a good simple sugar to protein ratio for "optimum muscle recovery." Um, and it's chocolate milk. Perfect.

    Congrats on finishing Insanity!! I'm on week three of my healthy eating kick, and at my two-week weigh-in, had lost 2.6 pounds. I'm joining a Biggest Loser group for $25...basically paying for accountability (although it would be crazy awesome to win).
