Saturday, March 26, 2011

Let the Games Begin!

We're having a great weekend here in Dallas.  Our friends Dave and Laura Kate are in town so we've been having a blast hanging out with them and Mark and Vanessa.  Fun times!

Right now Josh and I are getting ready to attend a friend's wedding.  And while our backs were turned, somehow Knox managed to hook a bucket to his tractor.  I mean a basket (which was on the bottom shelf of the bookshelf) to his walker. :)   He is thoroughly enjoying giving the basket a ride.   

Reminded me of someone else I Vermont.  I guess Knox is getting practiced up for his next visit!

Knox also thought Yahtzee looked pretty exciting, apparently.  Boy after my own heart. :)

I can tell we are gearing up for some very fun exploring adventures in this apartment.  

Let the games begin! :)


  1. What a sweetie! Give him big hugs from Grandma! Love you!

  2. What an adorable, growing kiddo! I can't believe how big he's getting...and I LOVE that smile! Can't wait to see him next time you're in VT!
