Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Knox hit his 8 month birthday on Sunday.

For some reason it feels like kind of a big one to me.  For the first time I feel a twinge of sadness about how fast he's growing up.  He's still our baby but he's not our little bitty baby any more.  Every day he becomes a tiny bit more independent.  He learns another skill.  He communicates just a little bit more. 

He can find the "Mr. Monkey" on the wall above his changing table when we ask him where he is.  He can sit up in the grocery cart without the aid of his car seat.  He can pull baskets off our bookshelves.  He can put Cheerios in his mouth (well, a few at least...quite a few end up on the floor.)

And last but not least, he can now say MAMA!

He has said this word before, but until recently he reserved it for extra dire moments (i.e. when he was sure he was about to starve to death).

Since Sunday, though...the very day he turned 8 months old...he has started saying it all the time.  Whenever he wants my attention...

When he wants to get of his high chair.  When he needs help sitting up.  When he rolls over and gets stuck in an awkward position.  When he's ready for a nap.  When he needs a new diaper.  When he dropped his toy and can't reach it.

Sometimes, when he just wants a smile or a squeeze.

When I hear his sweet little voice saying, "Mama.  Mum.  Mama!" my head whips around and I come running.  Who wouldn't run toward that?!  He's got me figured out. :)

It's the most wonderful sound I've ever heard.


  1. How wonderful! I knew he was close when we heard him "talking" this weekend! He's a heart melter for sure!

  2. What a cutie!! Can't wait to see you guys this weekend! :-)

  3. Sweet Knox, he's growing up so fast! I'm really looking forward to this weekend too! Looking forward to cuddling him a little bit. He's still a "little baby" to me by comparison ;)

  4. Totally heart-melting! Such a big boy!
