Friday, June 10, 2011

Blog Post 100

I started this blog on a whim.

One cold night in January, while I was reading some other blogs and drinking a cup of tea, I just decided I wanted to blog.

And so I blogged.

And I just kept blogging!

I love it.

It is a hobby that combines all my favorite things...writing, trying new recipes, taking photos of my baby, and sharing little lessons that God teaches me along the way.

Blogging gives me another way to keep in touch with all my family and friends who live far away.  I love to write; so it also gives me a structure that helps me stay disciplined to actually write.

It's fun!

But blogging is challenging for me, too.

It challenges me to be creative.  To think ahead.  To try new things.  To be disciplined with my time.  To put myself out there without worrying about what other people might think.

And blogging has taught me a lot about myself.

For example,

I am WAY more cheesy than I ever thought I was. Blogging really brings out my inner cheese. :)
I CAN operate Josh's fancy-pants camera.
I really (no REALLY) love to make yummy food.
My life is more colorful than I realized!
I can accomplish a LOT in a 2-hour nap period.
I am most creative when I'm in touch with my Creator.
And after all the recipes I've tried, it's still hard to top a box of Ghirardelli double chocolate brownie mix. 

My plan is to keep on blogging until it starts to feel more like work than play...or maybe just until Knox starts running and I run out of time to blog. :)

THANK YOU so much to those of you who faithfully read my blog.  I do this for me, but it definitely makes it extra fun and rewarding when I see your comments and "likes" or hear that you've tried one of my recipes.

I'm at 10,816 page views after 99 posts and that number is way higher than I ever expected it to be.

Of course I estimate that 8,816 of those page views are from my mother and mother-in-law visiting and re-visiting all of the Knox photos.  :)  Thanks for bumping up my numbers, moms!  ;)

Today marks my 100th blog post.

And Knox's 10 month birthday!

We've already been out celebrating. :)


Stay tuned for some of Mom Thayer's recipes that I picked up in Vermont!
(And to those of you who have been wondering, Knox's travel tent was a HUGE SUCCESS!!!!  We actually SLEPT while we were in Vermont!!!  It was a miracle!  Everyone who travels with little ones needs a Kidco Peapod.  I am sold.)   :)


  1. Congratulations on your 100th post! Double congratulations on Knox sleeping well in Vermont; sleep makes everything better :) I might bump up your page views, too, because I make your recipes a lot...the Gourmet pizza crust is on the menu for tonight!

  2. Love your blog, Leah. You're a gifted writer. And love the pictures of food--and the pictures of Knox!

  3. happy bloggerversary, sweet friend.....and a big happy birthday to knox! thanks for your wonderful blog that makes my day :) love you lots
