Sunday, January 9, 2011

Entering the World of Blog

Well, here I am. Lots of people have been telling me I should start a blog,and I want to start a here it is!

In my third grade yearbook (and fourth, and fifth) it says something like,

Future Aspirations: Author

Little did I know that in 2011 anyone would be able to be an author...of sorts. :) Here it is, my dream come true. :) Enter Leah into the world of blogging.

There's a permanent folder on our computer desktop called "Leah's Ideas" where I put all kinds of random things...files, thoughts, photos, recipes, reminders. I thought that would be a fitting name for my blog. It will be random, but it will be me.

Here are some things you can expect to find here:

Updates on what Josh & I are up to
Things I'm learning...about God, marriage, motherhood and life in general
Lots of posts about food...restaurants, recipes, cravings (and, consequently, my latest exercise endeavors)
Cheers for the CHICAGO BEARS
MILLIONS of baby photos and more information than you ever wanted to know about every new giggle, tooth, haircut, step and word.
Lots of smiley faces. I know it's a bit juvenile, but I love them. :) ;) :D

And here are some things you will most likely never find here:

Anything crafty (I hate crafts)
Political rants (I am about as Conservative as they come but political ranting is just not my thing)
Budgeting or Organizing Tips (just ask my husband, not my strong points)
Anything sports-related (EXCEPT FOR THE BEARS, as noted above)

My one goal as I start this blog is to try to keep it REAL. Josh and I have been talking a lot lately about Facebook and they give an illusion of intimacy but really create a world where everyone can put their best foot forward and hide everything else. I hope that here you will find the real me...some of my flaws and struggles in life as well as my strengths and victories.

I'm not making any promises about how often I'll write, except that I'll try not to let months and months go by in-between posts. :)

Thanks for reading my first post. Please visit again soon!


  1. yay! I have a blog too, but I'm not very good at updating it... I look forward to reading your ideas! Good luck!

  2. oh, LEAH! I'm more than excited to be a reader of your new blog. YAY! So true about the "best foot forward and hide all else"....I couldn't agree more. Thanks for jumping on the blog train :) Love you

  3. yeah leah! i'm going to add you to my blog list :) i kinda fell off the blogging bandwagon last year, (and the journalling one too for that matter) in seminary. but am resolving to return... i think to both eventually... we'll see how the delivery & 1st month of our baby's life go!
