Friday, January 14, 2011


123Tiffin stood us up again.

Even though Josh talked to them and they assured us they were on their way. Boo! This goes down on the charts as one slick deal that didn't turn out to be so slick. All I can say is, it's a good thing I made those muffins yesterday! (Although I forgot how much food our awesome community group hosts feed us at our Bible studies...we really don't need any dinner on Thursdays!!)

123Tiffin was a bust, but Josh has really found some amazing bargains on At first I was skeptical about slick deals and teased him a lot about his obsession.

I mean, he even has a t-shirt.

But I don't tease him any more. He's found us some really fun things we would otherwise never be able to afford as seminary students.

he best of which we cashed in on last night! We booked flights for both of us...and 7 nights at The Westin San Diego...for $20!

Yep, twenty bucks. We're going during Josh's spring break in March. We did have to sign up for a couple of new credit cards last year to get the credits. But hey, whatever it takes.

We haven't been on a real vacation (besides visiting our families and a couple of weekend excursions in Texas) since we went to Phuket, Thailand for a getaway when we were living in China. That was awesome.

Unfortunately in San Diego I don't think we'll find street vendors selling chocolate banana Roti and beach stands making fresh coconut smoothies. But hopefully there won't be as many weird Europeans in Speedos, either. :)

Those of you who have been to San Diego...any recommendations?


  1. the zoo! :-) I haven't been since elementary school...

  2. Coronado Island.
    Su Casa Restaurant in La Jolla

  3. Please me know the exact dates and hopefully Rick and I can drive down to see you three :)
