Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Day of Technological and Culinary Tragedy

First, my cell phone died this morning.  It has been acting possessed for about a week now...would randomly turn on and off, wouldn't let me read any text messages, and only allowed me to type certain things when I sent a text.  Josh became an expert at interpreting my psycho texts.  For example, "Love!" means "I love you!" and "Cronies!" means "Don't forget to get a brownie mix on your way home!"  (Sugar police: I had to make the brownies to bring to a friend's house for dessert last night.)  But today I can't even send psycho messages.  My phone has officially bit the dust.

Second, at the check-out of the grocery store this morning, I opened my wallet to credit cards, no debit card, no checkbook.  Oh, and no cash, although there's nothing too abnormal about that. :)  Nope, I hadn't been robbed.  It's just that when you're holding a baby sometimes it's easier to put credit cards in your pocket than to put them away in your wallet.

One credit card was in my black jacket pocket in one closet, one was in my gray jacket pocket in another closet, the checkbook was in the kitchen drawer and I'm thinking the debit card is in the diaper bag in Knox's room.  So yes, I had to leave my overflowing cart, drive home, get a credit card, and go back to the store.  I couldn't even call Josh to meet me outside our building with one of his cards because, as you will remember, my phone is dead.

After all that, I forgot to get onions.

Third, it's January 26.  This is my mother-in-law's birthday (Happy Birthday, Mom!) and also the official day when, if you haven't already, you really need to take the Christmas music off your ipod.  Most of you probably just added a Christmas playlist to your ipod to listen to through the holidays, right?  Not me.  I wiped the whole thing clean and transformed it into a Christmas-music-only ipod.  Who wants to listen to anything but Christmas music in December?

But today, when I went to replace the Christmas music with "Leah's Ipod" playlist (which took me an entire Saturday to create in iTunes), "Leah's Ipod" playlist was nowhere to be found.  Apparently when hard drives are reformatted (an event which happens pretty frequently in our household) playlists can disappear.

Some people really enjoy taking a whole Saturday to sort through all their music and their husband's music in iTunes to choose what music they want to keep on their ipod.  But I don't.  In terms of fun-ness it's right up there with balancing a checkbook, or cleaning my closet.  So I'm pretty sure it's not going to happen again until...April, maybe May?  I guess Knox and I will be listening to a lot of Pandora this winter. :)

Fourth, I asked Josh, "Is there anything good on TV tonight?  This is a TV kind of a day"  And he said, "Oh, I just got a new video card and it needs a different adapter...we can't watch TV for a couple of days." I thought he was kidding, but he wasn't.

Fifth, and last, just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse...I remembered that tonight is chicken stir-fry night.  I hate chicken stir-fry.  Every other week or so I can't help but put it on the menu, because it's easy and healthy.  But I dread chicken stir-fry night.  Of course today has to be chicken-stir fry day.

Cell phones, credit cards, ipods, television, and chicken stir-fry.  Who needs 'em?

I'm going to go take a nap.

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm....i LOVE chicken stir-fry. especially when it's cashew chicken. maybe you need a new recipe??
